Slovenia - Euro Coins

Slovenia Euro Coins  Republika Slovenija Republic of Slovenia  Euro gold and silver commemorative coins (Slovenia)  COLLECTION OF 2009 EURO COINS  At the beginning of June 2009, the Bank of Slovenia will issue a collection of 2009 euro coins for sale. The collection will include all euro coin denominations with a Slovene national obverse, and a bimetallic EUR 3 collector coin to mark the centenary of the first flight by a powered aircraft over Slovenia.  Minted: 100,000 pieces   3 Euro coin Slovenia 2009 commemorative Slovenia bimetallic collector coin Euro 2009 slovenian coins commemorative  Slovenien 3 Euro Slovenien uncirculated 3 euro  plane aircraft motiv issue mintage 3 Euro 100th anniversary of the first engine-powered flight in Slovenia special issue Slovenia 2009 3 Euro Slovenien coinroll Euroroll commemorative 2009 collect buy coins 3 Euro 2009 Europe collector coins 3 euro  Rolls coinrolls numismatik value 3 Euro nominal pricelist rolls 2009 UNC  Euro cent bi-coloured collectors coin uncirculated  The selection process for the national side of the Slovene euro coins The first stage of the selection process started in April 2004, involving preliminary discussions with numismatists, designers and experts. The general public was also invited through the mass media to participate in a public tender concerning proposals of motifs (132 tenderers proposed 699 motifs). A special expert commission (9 different individual experts and members of different institutions, including the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Slovenia) dealt with the proposals and the process. The second stage of selection started when the Government of the Republic of Slovenia confirmed the commission's decision that invitations would be addressed to some prominent designers for the production of designs. The commission invited five well-known Slovene designers. A special jury of reputable Slovene artists, designers, professors and connoisseurs of Slovene cultural heritage was appointed to review and assess the designs submitted for the Slovene euro coins. The commission of the Bank of Slovenia and Ministry of Finance unanimously agreed with the proposed selected designs prepared by Mr Miljenko Licul, along with Ms Maja Licul and Mr Janez Boljka. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia gave their consent and adopted the decision on 28 July 2005 to submit the selected design proposals for the national side of the Slovene euro coins to ECOFIN (Economic and Financial Committee) - Coins Sub-Committee, which acknowledged the compliance of the Slovene design proposals with European legislation on 5 October 2005. Slovenia joined the Eurozone in January 1, 2007. Although they did not mint any collectors' coin in 2007, in such a short time they already built a small collection, with face value ranging from €3 to €100. Is right here, in the face value, where the uniqueness of the Slovenian coins can be found. They have so far €3, €30 and €100 coins; using other materials, silver and gold for each of those coins. Since the coins are fairly new, they can be easily obtained in the market at a lower value compared to the coins of other countries in the eurozone, particularly those difficult coins to find of 2002 or 2003 Slovenia (as of 1 January 2007) €2  This coin shows the poet France Prešeren and the inscription “Shivé naj vsi naródi” (God’s blessing on all nations) − a line taken from his poem “Zdravljica” which is also used in the country’s national anthem. Edge lettering of the €2 coin: SLOVENIJA followed by an engraved dot.  €1  This coin bears a portrait of Primož Trubar, author of the first book printed in Slovene. 50 cent  The Triglav mountain is depicted on this coin.  20 cent   Lipizzaner horses form the central feature of this design.   10 cent   This coin features architect Jože Plečnik’s unrealised plan for the Slovenian Parliament.   5 cent  This coin depicts a sower.  2 cent  The Sovereign Enthronement Stone features on this coin.  1 cent  This coin bears the image of a stork.    2007 commonly issued coin European Union 50th Anniversary of the Signature of the Treaty of Rome 87.453 million coins 25 March 2007  Slovenia 400,000 coins Inscription: RIMSKA POGODBA 50 LET, EVROPA, SLOVENIJA    2 euro commemorative coin  Slovenia 500th Birthday of Primoz Trubar 1 million coins May 2008 Description: The inner part of the coin depicts an effigy of Primož Trubar in right profile. On the right the inscriptions PRIMOZ TRUBAR and 1508–1586 appear in two semi-circles, and towards the bottom left SLOVENIJA 2008 is inscribed (also in a semi-circle). The twelve stars of the European Union surround the design on the outer ring of the coin. Slovinsko (od 1. januára 2007)  €2  Na tejto minci je portrét básnika Franceho Prešerena a pozdĺž okraja je uvedený nápis S L O V E N I J A. €1  Na tejto minci je portrét Primoža Trubara, autora prvej knihy vydanej v slovinčine. 50 centov  Táto minca zobrazuje vrch Triglav. 20 centov  Táto minca zobrazuje lipicanské kone. 10 centov  Táto minca znázorňuje nezrealizovaný projekt budovy slovinského parlamentu od architekta Jožeho Plečnika. 5 centov  Táto minca nesie motív rozsievača. 2 centy  Táto minca zobrazuje kniežací kameň, ktorý sa používal pri dosadzovaní korutánskych vojvodov na trón. 1 cent  Táto minca znázorňuje bociana.   Since 1 January 2002, the euro coin series in circulation in the eurozone has included eight different denominations: 1 and 2 euros, and 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents.  Different designs exist for the common side of the eight coins: The €2, €1, and the 50, 20 and 10 cent coins feature the European Union before the 1 May 2004 enlargement; from 1 January 2007 they feature a geographic image of Europe. The 5, 2 and 1 cent coins show Europe in relation to Africa and Asia on a globe.  The Slovenian euro coins have 8 different motifs on the national side that symbolically represent part of Slovenian history and culture. Every coin has 12 stars around edge interspersed with letters spelling “SLOVENIJA”.  The 2 euro coin features a profile of the national poet France Prešeren, and a line from his poem Zdravljica, which is also the national anthem, in his own hand. The 1 euro coin is a thumbnail portrait of Protestant Reformer Primož Trubar, with the inscription "stati inu obstati" (to stand and withstand). Mount Triglav, Slovenia's highest mountain, the constellation of cancer and the inscription "Oj Triglav Moj Dom" (O Triglav, my home) features on the 50 cent coin. Two horses and the inscription "LIPICANEC" (Lipizzaner horse) feature on the 20 cent coin. The 10 cent coin features the inscription "Katedrala Svobode" (Cathedral of Freedom) and the unrealised plan for a national parliament designed by architect Jože Plečnik. A sower, a frequent artistic motif sowing seeds (stars and points), is the central motif of the 5 cent coin. The 2 cent coin features the Prince’s Stone, where Karatanian dukes were enthroned. A stork is featured on the 1 cent coin.  The designers of the Slovenian euro coin obverses were Miljenko Licul and assistants Maja Licul and Janez Boljka. Bank of Slovenia authorised Deželna banka Slovenije to sell numismatic coins in 2008 Ljubljana, 28.12.2007: In order to make these numismatic coins accessible to the greatest number of interested parties, the Bank of Slovenia has authorised Deželna banka Slovenije d.d. to sell all the aforementioned coins. With this transfer of sales to Deželna banka Slovenije d.d., the purchase of numismatic coins at the Bank of Slovenia's cash desks will no longer be possible in 2008. Bankovci in kovanci   Od 8. oktobra 1991 do 31. decembra 2006 je bila denarna enota Republike Slovenije tolar.  Z uveljavitvijo Zakona o uvedbi evra je od 1. januarja 2007 denarna enota evro in se uporabljajo kot zakonito plačilno sredstvo evrski bankovci in kovanci.  V času dvojnega obtoka (do vključno 14. januarja 2007) so se pri gotovinskem plačevanju lahko uporabljali tudi tolarski bankovci in kovanci. V dvanajstih državah članicah Evropske unije (Avstrija, Belgija, Finska, Francija, Grčija, Irska, Italija, Luksemburg, Nemčija, Nizozemska, Portugalska, Španija), ki predstavljajo tako imenovano evroobmočje, so uvedli evrobankovce in evrokovance, ki so bili dani v obtok 1. januarja 2002.  V Sloveniji, novi članici evroobmočja, je postal evro denarna enota 1. januarja 2007.  V obtoku je sedem nominalnih vrednosti evrobankovcev (5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 evrov) in so v vseh državah evroobmočja enaki. Evrokovanci so izdani v osmih nominalnih vrednostih: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 centov ter 1 evro in 2 evra. Imajo skupno (evropsko) stran ter hrbtno (nacionalno) stran, ki je značilna za vsako državo članico evroobmočja. Vsi kovanci – ne glede na različne nacionalne strani – so plačilno sredstvo na celotnem evroobmočju.  Evrokovanci   Po 1. januarju 2002 je v evroobmočju v obtoku osem nominalna vrednost evrokovancev in sicer za 1 in 2 evra ter za 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 in 50 centov. Za skupno stran osmih kovancev obstajajo različna oblikovanja:   Na kovancih za 2 €, 1 €, 50, 20 in 10 centov je upodobljena Evropska unija pred širitvijo 1. maja 2004, od 1. januarja 2007 pa je na kovancih geografska podoba Evrope. Kovanci za 5 centov, 2 centa in 1 cent prikazujejo Evropo v odnosu do Afrike in Azije na zemeljski obli. Slovenski evrokovanci imajo na nacionalni strani upodobljenih 8 različnih motivov, ki simbolno predstavljajo del slovenske zgodovine in kulture. Na vseh kovancih je ob robu 12 zvezd, med njimi pa so razporejene črke napisa SLOVENIJA.  Na kovancu za 2 evra je profilni portret pesnika dr. Franceta Prešerna in v njegovem rokopisu izpisana vrstica "ŽIVE NAJ VSI NARODI" njegove pesmi Zdravljica.  Na kovancu za 1 evro je doprsni portret Primoža Trubarja in napis "STATI INU OBSTATI".  Triglav, ozvezdje raka in napis "OJ TRIGLAV MOJ DOM" so na kovancu za 50 centov. Podoba dveh konj in napis "LIPICANEC" sta na kovancu za 20 centov. Na kovancu za 10 centov je napis "KATEDRALA SVOBODE" in neizvedeni načrt slovenskega parlamenta, delo arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika. Sejalec, pogost motiv likovnih umetnikov, ki trosi semena (zvezde in pike), je osrednji motiv na kovancu za 5 centov.  Na kovancu za 2 centa je podoba knežjega kamna. Štorklja je upodobljena na kovancu za 1 cent. Idejni osnutek za nacionalno stran slovenskih evrokovancev je oblikoval Miljenko Licul s sodelavcema Majo Licul in Janezom Boljko.