France – Starter kit 40 coins 1 cent - 2 euro, 2021

Euro coins sets
Issue year: 2021
Quality: UNC
Metal: Copper-Nickel

FRANCE, STARTER KIT, 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION, 2021. In 2021, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Starter Kit and the introduction of the first euros in circulation, the Paris Mint decided to pay tribute to the first euros in circulation by reissuing the original Starter Kit to the 2021 vintage. This reissue takes up the features of the original starter kit. It contains 40 coins striked with 2021 vintage in Fleur De Coin quality for a face value of 15.25 euro. Including : 2 euro Tree (4 copies), 1 euro Tree (3 copies), 50 cent Sower (4 copies), 20 cent Sower (7 copies), 10 cent Sower (4 copies), 5 cent Marianne (5 copies), 2 cent Marianne (7 copies), 1 cent Marianne (6 copies).