Croatia - 2 euro, Member of the euro area, 2023 (coin card)

2 Euro coins Coin card
Issue year: 2023
Face Value: 2 Euro
Quality: BU
Metal: Copper-Nickel
Mintage: 250.000

Croatia is issuing the first commemorative 2-euro coin celebrating the introduction of the euro as the official currency of Croatia on January 1, 2023. The design features the inscriptions of the issuing country ‘HRVATSKA’ (Croatia) and the year of issuance ‘2023.’, depicted horizontally, as well as the words ‘CLANICA EUROPODRUCJA’ (member of the euro area), which are inscribed along the outer edge of the coin’s core. These inscriptions symbolically form a stylised symbol of the euro ‘€’. The other central motive of the coin is Croatia's distinctive and recognisable symbol, the Croatian checkerboard, which represents part of the coat of arms of the Republic of Croatia.