At Electa Collections we have carefully selected the shipping methods we offer to our customers in order to ensure the fastest and safest delivery of every order.

All parcels are sent to international destinations by Registered letter / parcel via Hellenic Post (ELTA).

After submitting your order you will receive an email confirming that the transaction has been successful. This is a confirmation that we have received your order, not a confirmation of acceptance or processing. The order is shipped within five to ten working days after the payment for your order has been confirmed. 

It is very important to provide us with the correct shipping address when you register your details with or when you enter an additional delivery address.Your order cannot be shipped or may be delayed if this information is incomplete or incorrect. All parcels are sent to the customer's address as it is written by the customer.

The handling and shipping cost is added to the total cost of every order before it is submitted. This cost is a function of the weight of the products in the shopping basket and the distance between the delivery destination and Athens.

For additional information about the delivery of your order or the shipping cost please visit our page Terms and Conditions or contact us at email: