Vatican City 2 Euro 2013. On 11 February 2013 the Holy Father Benedict XVI announced his decision to renounce the Petrine ministry as from 20:00 hours on 28 February 2013. On 13 March 2013 the Cardinal Electors, gathered for the conclave, chose Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the 266th Successor of Peter. During the period of the vacancy of the Apostolic See (Sede Vacante), the ordinary governance was assured by the Apostolic Camera, presided over by the Cardinal Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church, and composed of the Vice-Camerlengo and the Prelate Clerics. A historical memory of this transition for the Holy Roman Church and a tangible sign of continuity is the exercise of the right to mint coins of the Sede Vacante. This tradition has historical roots going back to the 14th century and later became a custom after the death of Leo X in 1521. The Sede Vacante 2 euro commemorative coin has on its reverse the usual technical characteristics required for all countries belonging to the single European currency. Depicted on the obverse is the coat of arms of the Camerlengo and above it the symbol of the Apostolic Camera and the words “Citta del Vaticano” and “Sede Vacante MMXXIII”, a design by artist Patrizio Daniele.