Estonia – 2 Euro, National animal – the wolf, 2021 (rolls)

2 euro sold out
Issue year: 2021
Face Value: 2 Euro
Quality: UNC
Metal: Copper-Nickel

Estonia, 2 euro Commemorative Coin 2021. The Estonian national animal – the wolf. The design depicts the silhouette of the wolf and a forest. Close to the edge of the inner ring the country name ‘EESTI’ at the left, the year of issuance ‘2021’ at the right and the text ‘CANIS LUPUS’ (the wolf in Latin) at the top are depicted. The coin depicts a wolf howling on a boulder. Since the wolf is a forest animal, a spruce forest typical of Estonia is shown in the background of the drawing. In addition, there is a starry night sky in the background, because then, most likely, a wolf howl will be heard.